Gay fucking machine blog

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He is truly a man’s man and everybody who won’t agree is not one himself. No matter what is look is, he is and will always stay a man who can always knock on my door (grin). Yeah, what is it about ‘roid-addled dudes having nearly simian features after years of abuse? I’ve noticed it in others as well. James Lenaghan July 5th, 2008 at 2:39 PM.He will always be hot but he is sort of scary now.Īnyone knows why he’s not filming anymore?Īrrrrgghhh this is too hot!!I love Zak so much, he’s one of the hottest bottoms ever, when was this filmed ? is he making a comeback? I sure hope so!!!! Zak’s head looks twice the size than it used to be. It frustrates me to see what decades of steriod use can do to someone. 28 responses to Exclusive Clip: Zak Spears and The Fuck Machine

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